St Stephen’s, Norbury & Thornton Heath, are committed to the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults and take our responsibilities in this regard very seriously.
Our Parish Safeguarding Officers (PSOs) are Lana Rudduck and Sara Keene and can be contacted by email via or by phone at 07738171782.
Our Church Wardens are Lana Ruddock (same contact details as above) and Andrea Anderson (email: and can also be contacted about any safeguarding concerns.
Our Vicar, Fr Daniel Burton, can also be contacted by email via or on 07582565032.
Information on safeguarding can also be obtained from local and national agencies below are some contact numbers of where to get help with child and adult safeguarding issues.
- NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: – 0808 800 5000 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are worried about a child.
- Child-line: 0800 1111 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are a child or young person and are worried about anything.
- National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are experiencing domestic abuse.
- Samaritans Helpline: 116 123 (open 24 hours): Phone if you feel you are struggling to cope and need someone to talk to.
- Action on Elder Abuse Helpline: 080 8808 8141 (free phone Monday to Friday 9- 5pm).
If you need to contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team their contact names and numbers are below:
- Safeguarding Referrals & General Enquiries – or 02079399441
- Out of Hours/Urgent Support – 02038746743
The Diocese of Southwark’s safeguarding website and policies, including ‘A Safe Church’, can be found here:
Printed copies of ‘A Safe Church’ can be found behind the Church Warden seats and the sound desk at the rear of the church.