St Stephen’s Norbury and Thornton Heath
St Stephen’s is an Anglican (Church of England) Church in the liberal Catholic tradition. We are a friendly congregation drawn mainly from the local community and reflecting the rich diversity of this part of London.
We aim to be an inclusive church welcoming everyone, whatever their age, background, sexuality or relationship status and regardless of how much or how little faith they may have. Honest doubters and people with questions are positively welcomed! You will find unconditional welcome and blessing at St Stephen’s.
We have services at 10am on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Mass is also celebrated at 8am every Sunday. The 10am Mass on Sundays is live-streamed (https://www.facebook.com/ststephensNTH/live/).
Dear Friends,
The Reverend Daniel Burton is now fully in post and is eager to meet you
If you would like to book a baptism or wedding, please contact him at
vicarnth@gmail.com or call 075825 650 32 (except Mondays).
The Wardens of St Stephen’s Norbury & Thornton Heath.

Stewardship Giving Letter 2025
Intercessions 9th February 2025
Follow this link to see the video from the Woolwich and Croydon Youth Forum’s take on an Anti-Racism Charter. It includes contributions from St Stephen’s.
Supporting Local Food Banks
St Stephen’s has supported local food banks for several years but now the pressure on them is greater than ever. Gifts of non-perishable items can be left at St Stephen’s vicarage (9 Warwick Road) at any time.
Ways to Support St Stephen's
We encourage all our regular worshippers to give to the church by monthly standing order or through our weekly envelope scheme.
For One-off donations please consider using our Just Giving Page please follow the link below –https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/St-Stephen2020
We can also accept payment by the following methods:
Bank transfer to “St Stephen’s PCC” Sort code: 40-35-01. Account: 61059572.
Credit or debit card – please speak to our Wardens, Andrea Anderson and Lana Ruddock, or Coral Martin (our Treasurer) for more details.
Cheques payable to St Stephen’s PCC.
Cash (It is difficult and time consuming to process cash, but we are happy to accept payments if you cannot use other methods)
Other methods of helping St Stephen’s
SHOPPING – no doubt many of you will have tried on-line shopping and if so, you can support our church without it costing you a penny.
First, there is EasyFundRaising – by using the link below you can set up an account to support St Stephen’s – the retailer will give us a donation every time you use them.
Once in your account search on their website for your favourite retailer Argos, John Lewis, Boohoo – they are all there, and click the link though to start shopping.
Remember you must log in to EasyFundRaising and use the link each time you shop, do not go direct to the retailer’s website.
Amazon likes to do things differently – so next time you use it (or maybe it’s the first time) go to:
Log in as usual (or set up an account) and you will see all your old Amazon history – it’s exactly the same!
It will prompt you for a charity you wish to support so enter – ‘St Stephen’s PCC’ select it and start shopping
Remember you must log into Smile Amazon (Not Amazon) each time you shop.
Weddings & Baptisms at St Stephen's
We welcome enquiries about Baptisms (Christenings) and Weddings. Numbers attending are longer restricted and we are taking bookings. Please contact Mother Joyce at vicar@ststephensnth.co.uk
View more Weddings details
View more Baptism details
The parish of St Stephen, Norbury & Thornton Heath takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Further information about safeguarding can be found here
Latest Newsletter
Find Us
St Stephen's is easily accessible by public transport.
Parking is usually available in Warwick Road and nearby